Import/Export - CSV Administration

Please note: This help doc covers how to use the Import/Export functionality found within the Administration tab, and is for more detailed updates and changes.

If you're looking for help on how to import users via the Manage Teams panel, which is typically used to add new users in bulk, please review our help docs below:

If you're looking for a way to more efficiently manage the specifics of your teams in bulk, the Import/Export feature will allow you to do so. This feature set can help you:

  • Create multiple teams at once
  • Update the default permission set of your existing teams
  • Add specific users to multiple teams at once
  • Remove specific users from multiple teams at once
  • Duplicate the teams one user is on to another user

In order to make changes, you'll first need to export CSV files to work with, after which you can import those files with your requested changes which will take affect on the platform.

When using the Import/Export CSV administration feature, we strongly recommend doing so one Production at a time as opposed to across multiple Productions.


Exporting files is the first step to making these changes, and there are two options:

Export Teams

Export teams will create a list of all Teams across a selected Production, or across all Productions, depending on what you select. Exporting this CSV file will allow you to modify existing Teams and their associated default Permission Levels, as well as create new Teams to add to the platform.

Export People

Exporting People will create a list of all users on the Production, or across all Productions, depending on what you select, as well as which teams they are on.

How To Export

To create either type of Export:

  1. Navigate to the Administration tab, and click Import/Export.
  2. Click on the Export tab at the top
  3. Select the Production you want to export data on, or choose All Productions
  4. Click Export Teams or Export People, depending on what you want to export

  1. Wait for the report to be processed, and then click "Download" at the top

Making Changes

Once you've exported your file(s), you'll want to open them up in Excel so that you can make changes and prep them for importing.

Changes in Teams

The file that you export when choosing Export Teams will have three columns:

  • Team Name (including an ID) - the name and ID of each time
  • Team Permission - the default permission on that team
  • Team Production - the production that team is associated with

PLEASE NOTE: All team IDs are Production-specific. In other words, you cannot copy over a team that is on one Production to a different Production.

If you're looking to replicate teams from one Production onto another Production, our Production Templates will likely be a better solution for you

Because Team IDs are Production-specific, when using the Import/Export CSV administration feature, we strongly recommend doing so one Production at a time as opposed to across multiple Productions.

There are two changes you can make to this document: changing the default permission, and adding a new team.

To change an existing team's default permission, simply replace whatever is in the Team Permission column with the permission you want that team to have.

To add a new team, simply type in the Team Name, Default Permission, and Team Production in a brand new row.

  • For the Team Permission, you'll need to enter it exactly as it appears in the platform. All team permissions can be found in our Permissions help doc.
  • For Team Name, you don't need to add an ID as one will be automatically generated when importing

In our example below, Team 2 would now have a default permission of uploader, and Team 4 would be created with the default permission of Viewer:

Once you've made all of your changes, save the file, ensuring that it still has a .CSV extension.

Changes in Team Members

The file that you export when choosing Export People will have multiple columns:

  • First Name - The first name of the user
  • Last Name - The last name of the user
  • Email - The email address of the user
  • Role - The role of the user (Note: this is different than a permission, and is just a label you can use to help you keep users straight. For example: Director, Producer, Composer, Costume Department, etc).
  • Team Name + details - Each team will have it's own column, and will include the name, Team ID, Production, and default permission set

If a user is on a team, "default" will appear in the corresponding row and column. If not, it will be blank.

You can add a user to a team, remove a user from a team, or copy a user's access entirely and give another user that same access, or create brand new users and add them to multiple teams all at once.

  • To add a user to a specific team, simply type "default" in the corresponding row and column.
  • To remove a user from a team, type "remove" in the corresponding row and column.
  • To copy an existing user's access, copy all info from column E onwards, then paste it in that user's row
  • To create a new user, type in their first name, last name, and email address in the corresponding columns. You can then type "default" in any column you like and they will be added to that team with the default permission set when importing.

In the example below:

  • User Number1 would be removed from Team 1, and added to Team 2 with the default permission set
  • User Number4 would be created and added to team 1


Once you've made your changes to your files, you now need to import them in order for these changes to be made.

To do so:

  1. Click the Import tab at the top, then select the Production from the dropdown or leave as All Productions.
  2. Next, click "Select File" and find the CSV files that you'll be importing.

  1. You'll then get a "Preflight Results" report displayed in the platform, which will tell you the changes that are about to be made.
  • Preflight Results
    • Total Teams = 0 (total number of the teams detected within the csv)
    • Total Users = 0 (total number of unique users detected within the csv)
    • Errors = 0 (number of errors/clashes detected within the csv)
  • Actions - A summary of the successful actions/changes applied.
    • Teams Created = 0 (number of new teams created)
    • Users Created = 0 (number of new users created)
    • Members Updated = 0 (number of existing users updated)
    • Member Additions = 0 (number of users added to team)
    • Member Removals = 0 (number of users removed from production)

  1. Once you've reviewed, click [Confirm] to lock in and process the Import.

Example Workflow:

  • eg. Our Camera Assistant GARY CINEMA has left the production, we need their replacement to have the same permissions as their predecessor.
    • Export a CSV Report
    • Locate GARY CINEMA's details (first/last/email)
    • Duplicate GARY CINEMA'S row. Replace the new row details with those of FRANKIE M (first/last/email)
    • Import CSV Report
      • FRANKIE M will be added to the production with the same slate of Permissions as GARY CINEMA
    • Remove GARY CINEMA from within the Production in Flow Capture